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Roboto Serif

Designed by Greg Gazdowicz of
Commercial Type
together with
Google Fonts,
Roboto Serif
is a
typeface family designed to create a frictionless reading experience at
any size,
any format.

You look at a lot of words every day—why not be more comfortable while you read them?

For example, how do you feel right now? Are you in a hot tub while you read this? Do you wish you were? How tight are your pants? How clean are your glasses? Where’s your teddy bear? Where’s your mom? What about cookies? How many cookies are in your hand?

Roboto Serif is for anyone who reads words and likes to be comfortable whilst reading them. You deserve more reading comfort in your everyday life!

Roboto Serif is a variable font with four axes:

Named Instances

As a variable font, Roboto Serif also gives you easy access to all the styles you’re most likely to use in one, single file.

Roboto Serif Variable Axes


This axis allows you to set the glyph weight anywhere along the scale (i.e.; between the Weight named instances).

or perhaps some weight in between


Roboto Serif might just very well be ideal for keeping quick readers zooming through lengthy text.


Roboto Serif might just very well be ideal for keeping quick readers zooming through lengthy text.


Roboto Serif might just very well be ideal for keeping quick readers zooming through lengthy text.


Roboto Serif might just very well be ideal for keeping quick readers zooming through lengthy text.


Roboto Serif might just very well be ideal for keeping quick readers zooming through lengthy text.


Roboto Serif might just very well be ideal for keeping quick readers zooming through lengthy text.


Roboto Serif might just very well be ideal for keeping quick readers zooming through lengthy text.


Roboto Serif might just very well be ideal for keeping quick readers zooming through lengthy text.


Roboto Serif might just very well be ideal for keeping quick readers zooming through lengthy text.


This axis allows you to maintain optical consistency in your typography at any size on the scale (i.e.; between the named instances).

Width 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150

Optical Size

This axis allows you to maintain optical consistency in your typography at any size on the scale (i.e.; between the named instances).

Font Size at 96px, with Optical Size set to 96

The lazy dog is comfortable

Font Size at 84px, with Optical Size set to 84

The lazy dog is comfortable

Font Size at 72px, with Optical Size set to 72

The lazy dog is comfortable

Font Size at 60px, with Optical Size set to 60

The lazy dog is comfortable

Font Size at 48px, with Optical Size set to 48

The lazy dog is comfortable

Font Size at 36px, with Optical Size set to 36

The lazy dog is comfortable

Font Size at 24px, with Optical Size set to 24

The lazy dog is comfortable. Curves are anchored to decisive terminals, and optical sizes are precisely matched to the original Roboto. Its design harmonizes with the rest of the Roboto superfamily, and sometimes echoes them, but the serif has its own, distinct voice.

Font Size at 16px, with Optical Size set to 16

The lazy dog is comfortable. Curves are anchored to decisive terminals, and optical sizes are precisely matched to the original Roboto. Its design harmonizes with the rest of the Roboto superfamily, and sometimes echoes them, but the serif has its own, distinct voice.

Font Size at 12px, with Optical Size set to 12

The lazy dog is comfortable. Curves are anchored to decisive terminals, and optical sizes are precisely matched to the original Roboto. Its design harmonizes with the rest of the Roboto superfamily, and sometimes echoes them, but the serif has its own, distinct voice.

Font Size at 8px, with Optical Size set to 8

The lazy dog is comfortable. Curves are anchored to decisive terminals, and optical sizes are precisely matched to the original Roboto. Its design harmonizes with the rest of the Roboto superfamily, and sometimes echoes them, but the serif has its own, distinct voice.


This axis allows you to fine-tune the the overall weight of text within the confines of your current line breaks.

A heavier grade can add contrast between text and background.
Designed by Greg Gazdowicz of Commercial Type together with Google Fonts, Roboto Serif is a variable typeface family designed to create a “frictionless reading experience” at any size, in any format.
A lighter grade can compensate for the heaviness of dark text on a white background.
Designed by Greg Gazdowicz of Commercial Type together with Google Fonts, Roboto Serif is a variable typeface family designed to create a “frictionless reading experience” at any size, in any format.
Cloud 1 Cloud 2 Cloud 3
  1. Glyphs

  2. Letter Uppercase latin

  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. E
  8. F
  9. G
  10. H
  11. I
  12. J
  13. K
  14. L
  15. M
  16. N
  17. O
  18. P
  19. Q
  20. R
  21. S
  22. T
  23. U
  24. V
  25. W
  26. X
  27. Y
  28. Z
  29. À
  30. Á
  31. Â
  32. Ã
  33. Ä
  34. Å
  35. Æ
  36. Ç
  37. È
  38. É
  39. Ê
  40. Ë
  41. Ì
  42. Í
  43. Î
  44. Ï
  45. Ð
  46. Ñ
  47. Ò
  48. Ó
  49. Ô
  50. Õ
  51. Ö
  52. Ø
  53. Ù
  54. Ú
  55. Û
  56. Ü
  57. Ý
  58. Þ
  59. Ā
  60. Ă
  61. Ą
  62. Ć
  63. Ĉ
  64. Ċ
  65. Č
  66. Ď
  67. Đ
  68. Ē
  69. Ĕ
  70. Ė
  71. Ę
  72. Ě
  73. Ĝ
  74. Ğ
  75. Ġ
  76. Ģ
  77. Ĥ
  78. Ħ
  79. Ĩ
  80. Ī
  81. Ĭ
  82. Į
  83. İ
  84. IJ
  85. Ĵ
  86. Ķ
  87. Ĺ
  88. Ļ
  89. Ľ
  90. Ŀ
  91. Ł
  92. Ń
  93. Ņ
  94. Ň
  95. Ŋ
  96. Ō
  97. Ŏ
  98. Ő
  99. Œ
  100. Ŕ
  101. Ŗ
  102. Ř
  103. Ś
  104. Ŝ
  105. Ş
  106. Š
  107. Ţ
  108. Ť
  109. Ŧ
  110. Ũ
  111. Ū
  112. Ŭ
  113. Ů
  114. Ű
  115. Ų
  116. Ŵ
  117. Ŷ
  118. Ÿ
  119. Ź
  120. Ż
  121. Ž
  122. Ə
  123. Ơ
  124. Ư
  125. Ǎ
  126. Ǐ
  127. Ǒ
  128. Ǔ
  129. Ǚ
  130. Ǧ
  131. Ǫ
  132. Ǻ
  133. Ǽ
  134. Ǿ
  135. Ȁ
  136. Ȃ
  137. Ȅ
  138. Ȇ
  139. Ȉ
  140. Ȋ
  141. Ȍ
  142. Ȏ
  143. Ȑ
  144. Ȓ
  145. Ȕ
  146. Ȗ
  147. Ș
  148. Ȫ
  149. Ȭ
  150. Ȱ
  151. Ȳ
  152. Letter Uppercase greek

  153. Δ
  154. Ω
  155. Letter Lowercase latin

  156. a
  157. b
  158. c
  159. d
  160. e
  161. f
  162. g
  163. h
  164. i
  165. j
  166. k
  167. l
  168. m
  169. n
  170. o
  171. p
  172. q
  173. r
  174. s
  175. t
  176. u
  177. v
  178. w
  179. x
  180. y
  181. z
  182. ß
  183. à
  184. á
  185. â
  186. ã
  187. ä
  188. å
  189. æ
  190. ç
  191. è
  192. é
  193. ê
  194. ë
  195. ì
  196. í
  197. î
  198. ï
  199. ð
  200. ñ
  201. ò
  202. ó
  203. ô
  204. õ
  205. ö
  206. ø
  207. ù
  208. ú
  209. û
  210. ü
  211. ý
  212. þ
  213. ÿ
  214. ā
  215. ă
  216. ą
  217. ć
  218. ĉ
  219. ċ
  220. č
  221. ď
  222. đ
  223. ē
  224. ĕ
  225. ė
  226. ę
  227. ě
  228. ĝ
  229. ğ
  230. ġ
  231. ģ
  232. ĥ
  233. ħ
  234. ĩ
  235. ī
  236. ĭ
  237. į
  238. ı
  239. ij
  240. ĵ
  241. ķ
  242. ĸ
  243. ĺ
  244. ļ
  245. ľ
  246. ŀ
  247. ł
  248. ń
  249. ņ
  250. ň
  251. ʼn
  252. ŋ
  253. ō
  254. ŏ
  255. ő
  256. œ
  257. ŕ
  258. ŗ
  259. ř
  260. ś
  261. ŝ
  262. ş
  263. š
  264. ţ
  265. ť
  266. ŧ
  267. ũ
  268. ū
  269. ŭ
  270. ů
  271. ű
  272. ų
  273. ŵ
  274. ŷ
  275. ź
  276. ż
  277. ž
  278. ơ
  279. ư
  280. ǎ
  281. ǐ
  282. ǒ
  283. ǔ
  284. ǚ
  285. ǧ
  286. ǫ
  287. ǻ
  288. ǽ
  289. ǿ
  290. ȁ
  291. ȃ
  292. ȅ
  293. ȇ
  294. ȉ
  295. ȋ
  296. ȍ
  297. ȏ
  298. ȑ
  299. ȓ
  300. ȕ
  301. ȗ
  302. ș
  303. ȫ
  304. ȭ
  305. ȱ
  306. ȳ
  307. ȷ
  308. ə
  309. ế
  310. Letter Lowercase greek

  311. μ
  312. π
  313. Letter Superscript latin

  314. ª
  315. º
  316. Letter Ligature latin

  317. Number Decimal Digit

  318. 0
  319. 1
  320. 2
  321. 3
  322. 4
  323. 5
  324. 6
  325. 7
  326. 8
  327. 9
  328. Number Small

  329. ¹
  330. ²
  331. ³
  332. Number Fraction

  333. ½
  334. ¼
  335. ¾
  336. Punctuation

  337. !
  338. #
  339. *
  340. ,
  341. .
  342. /
  343. :
  344. ;
  345. ?
  346. \
  347. ¡
  348. ·
  349. ¿
  350. Punctuation Quote

  351. "
  352. '
  353. «
  354. »
  355. Punctuation Parenthesis

  356. (
  357. )
  358. [
  359. ]
  360. {
  361. }
  362. Punctuation Dash

  363. -
  364. _
  365. ­
  366. Symbol

  367. &
  368. @
  369. |
  370. ¦
  371. §
  372. ©
  373. ®
  374. °
  375. Symbol Currency

  376. $
  377. ¢
  378. £
  379. ¤
  380. ¥
  381. Symbol Currency latin

  382. ƒ
  383. Symbol Currency thai

  384. ฿
  385. Symbol Math

  386. %
  387. +
  388. <
  389. =
  390. >
  391. ~
  392. ¬
  393. ±
  394. ^
  395. µ
  396. ×
  397. ÷
  398. Symbol Arrow

  399. Symbol Geometry

  400. Mark Modifier

  401. ʹ
  402. ʺ
  403. ʻ
  404. ʼ
  405. ʾ
  406. ʿ
  407. ˈ
  408. ˉ
  409. ˊ
  410. ˋ
  411. ˌ
  412. Mark Spacing

  413. ´ 
  414. ˆ 
  415. ˜ 
  416. ¯ 
  417. ˘ 
  418. ˙ 
  419. ¨ 
  420. ˚ 
  421. ˝ 
  422. ˇ 
  423. ¸ 
  424. ˛ 
  425. Mark Nonspacing

  426. ̈
  427. ̇
  428. ̀
  429. ́
  430. ̋
  431. ̂
  432. ̌
  433. ̆
  434. ̊
  435. ̃
  436. ̄
  437. ̉
  438. ̏
  439. ̑
  440. ̒
  441. ̛
  442. ̣
  443. ̤
  444. ̦
  445. ̧
  446. ̨
  447. ̮
  448. ̱


This latest addition to the Roboto superfamily fills the need for a highly readable serif that pairs well with the sans-serif versions of Roboto.

Commercial created a true serif for the family—not just a “serif-ized” version of sans-serif Roboto—by using the vertical proportions of Roboto as a starting point. This ensured the two families could be mixed harmoniously in running text. The result is an elegant, functional typeface that complements Roboto, but can stand on its own.

With curves anchored to decisive terminals, Roboto Serif is minimal, with just a “whisper” of a serif. This minimalism separates it from other variable serif fonts made for on-screen reading, and aims to make it more versatile. It works equally well in conventional, long-form reading contexts, and in places where you might not think to use a serif at all, like infographics and user interface details.

Expanding Roboto with a serif allows for greater flexibility and variety... which means better functionality and tonality across many, vastly different products and brands. Wherever you use it, it should help make reading more comfortable.

P.S. Roboto Serif is open source! (Contribute)